Google taps legal muscle for Microsoft case

Google taps legal muscle for Microsoft case.In its fight with Microsoft over an executive’s defection, Google…

Google sued over nude picture rights

The publisher of a US men’s magazine has sued Google, alleging that the Internet search company…

Google Talk

Google Talk on. Google Inc. is set to introduce its own instant messaging system, the Los…

Google Banned CNET

Google has banned release of PR to CNET .Google says Cnet went too far in googling.…

Google Maps Hybrid Mode

Google Maps Hybrid Mode.We’ve got Maps, we’ve got Earth, and now we’ve got a way to…

Google taps three Chinese firms to sell ads

Google Inc. stepped up the pace of its expansion in China, and competition with new equity-market…

Google says Cnet went too far in googling

Google says Cnet went too far in googling.Google has blackballed online technology news service Cnet…

Google offers news updates via RSS feeds

Consumers will now be able to receive updates from Google’s News service over the Web, via…

Google’s hunt for a perfect cook

Google Inc., a company that had long employed the former cook for one of the world’s…

Google Simplifies AdWords System

Google AdWords is a complex powerful marketing platform which makes it easy for marketers large and…